
Examples of my work.

Bol Magazine
Bol Magazine
IMMH 2014
IMMH 2014 Conference
The Great Plains Lab Testing Brochures
Lab Testing Brochure Flyers
Onsen Teahouse Concept
Onsen Teahouses
AllSafe Training Services
AllSafe Training Services
Character Animation
Character Design and Animation
3d Model BF-109
3D Model and Rendering


Words to live by

"All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible."

- T.E. Lawrence

light-foot·ed (adj.)

- (lahyt-foot-id) Treading with light and nimble ease.

There's a lot to a name. See what mine can mean for you.

About Me

At a young age, I was introduced to the world of digital illustration and design by my father, who worked nearly his entire career in the field. Through watching and learning as a child, and studying and training as an adult, I've learned that to stay ahead, I must never stop learning. To be one step ahead is my goal, and one that everyone is constantly fighting for; we should never be satisfied with the best we can do today, when we can be blown away by what we can do tomorrow.

In communications, there are endless challenges with an audience as sensitive and diverse as the Middle East. But where others see challenges, I see opportunities. Opportunities to learn about the cultures we immerse ourselves in. Opportunities to explore new markets and freshly opened frontiers through digital and social media. Opportunities we must grab hold of with a tenacious creative spirit, and let go of, only when we are satisfied living in the world we helped shape.


Beautiful Design

As a B.F.A. graduate from the design school at Kansas State University, I have the knowlede and skills to get your message across in the clearest, most vibrant way imaginable. But don't take my word for it. Check out my portfolio.


Problem Solving

Whether it is poor SEO or obfuscated data, most of the today's problems can be chalked up to poor design. A common problem designers encounter is information overload, and I can think of no better example than the Great Plains Laboratory's Recorded Webinars Page. It was a goldmine of video information for doctors and patients alike, but hard coded in html and in no way sortable. Finding a particular webinar, or just any webinar on a specific topic meant skimming the titles of dozens of recordings; a frustrating ordeal for today's short attention spanned netizens. Check out my Spotlight section to see how I tackled this problem and more!


A Knack for Coding

There are a lot of designers out there who can make a pretty web page, but those who really understand what goes on under the hood are few and far between. Being able to dive in and speak nativly to your client's web browser gives me the ability to provide fluid HTML5 graphics that shine beautifully across all modern desktop and mobile devices.

Creative Spotlight

Tools and tricks for creative problem solving.

Doing the work for your audience - using Datatables with JQuery to sort a library


The Great Plains Laboratory's Recorded Webinars Page: A giant haystack of valuable company-sponsored webinars that was painful and time consuming to sift through.


The Webinar Library: An intuitive, searchable, and sortable listing of webinars.

The solution to the problem was in the concept from the very beginning. The goal was to create a repository for all of the company's webinars. In other words, a webinar library.

To achieve the original goal, I looked to other familiar libraries for inspiration. The key is to sift information for the user, using methods that are already familiar and in practice. For this, I cannot recommend Datatables enough! Datatables is an easy to implement JQuery plugin that allows awesome customizabile sorting to any html table. What's more, it is open source and free for commercial use under the MIT license.

Tools used:

Datatables, JQuery, Adobe Dreamweaver

The limitations of stock imagery - Why illustration is still a necessity for graphic designers.


Stock imagery for specific concepts and terminology is few and far between.


Work closely with clients to create imagery that is tailored to their needs.

Often in a designer's career, they will be tasked with providing visuals for esoteric objects, or abstract thoughts. Just as for some things there are no words, many other things have no pictures. Young designers can be spoiled by stock image libraries with endless supplies of ordinary things, to the point where design is more about rehashing the old than creating the new. When tasked with visualizing something that there are no images available for, the temptation for young designers is to grab the closest stock image that they can find and call it a day. Countless times I've scratched my head at an advertisement wondering "why in the world did they choose that picture?"

Having a strong hand for illustration and an eye to match is key to avoiding headscratching from your audience. Not only will your illustrations depict exactly what you need, they can be tailored specificaly to fit your branding.

Tools used:

Pencil & Sketchpad, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop

Contact Me

Feel free to contact me for freelance work or new job opportunities.
